Monday 29 February 2016


This is a beautiful story about  Krishna 's flute..

Everyday Krishna would go in the garden and say to all the
plants, “I love you”.

The plants were very happy and responded saying “Krishna,
we love You too”.

One day Krishna rushed quickly into the garden very

He went to the bamboo plant and the bamboo plant asked,
“Krishna, what´s wrong?”

Krishna said “I have something to ask you, but it is very

The bamboo said “Tell me: if I can, I will give it to you”.

So Krishna said “I need your life. I need to cut you”.

The bamboo thought for a while and then said “You don´t
have any other choice. You don’t have any other way ?”

Krishna said, “No, no other way”.

And it said “OK” and gave himself up.

So Krishna cut the bamboo n made holes in it, and each
time, he carved the holes, the bamboo was crying in pain ...

Krishna made a beautiful flute out of it n this flute was with
him all the time.

24 hours a day, it was with Krishna. Even the Gopis were
jealous of the flute.

They said, “Look, Krishna is our Lord, but yet we get to
spend only some time with him.

He wakes up with you, He sleeps with you, all the time you
are with him”.

Gopis asked the bamboo, “Tell us your secret. What secret
do you have, that the Lord treasures you so much ?”

And the bamboo said “The secret is that, i gave myself up,
and he did whatever was right for me, in the process i had
to undergo a lot of pain.

And the Lord does whatever he wants with me, whenever he wants with me and however he wants with me. I have just
become His instrument”.

So this is complete surrender: where God can do whatever
He wants with you,u whenever He wants, as He wants.

Trust Him completely and have faith in Him and always
think you are in His hands ... what can go wrong ??

This is Samarpan or Surrender..��������

Sunday 21 February 2016


1) Open all windows in the house and allow fresh air and sunshine to enter the house. Free flowing air and sun are negative energy removers

2. Dispose of all the old unwanted things lying in the house. Clutter is a negativity magnet. It attracts and accumulates negative energy in the house.

3). Walking barefoot in the house helps all your negative energy to be absorbed by the earth.
Grounding is important to keep the energy balance in our body.

4) In the olden days, footwears were kept out of the house. People used to enter the house only after washing feet with water. This action ensures that all the negativity remains outside or are grounded by earth and does not enter the house. Now it has become difficult to keep the footwear outside. So preferably remove them near the entrance door.

5) Go out in the open air. Take walks in the garden or open ground. Being amongst nature re-energizes or charges you fully.

6) Sweeping the floor also ensures that the negative energies are shaken and moved out with the dirt.

7)  Rock salt is another negativity remover. Wash or mop your floor with a fistful rock salt in a bucket of water. This ensures that every nook and corner of the house is rid of negative energy.

8) Potted plants or trees around your house or society also ensures more positive energy in the house and area.

9) Bathing or Soaking your legs and hands in rock salt water once in a while removes the negativity attached to your body and cleanse your aura.

11)   Repetition of Prayers,  increases the positive vibrations in the house. 100%

11)  Keep your thoughts, action and speech Positive. Negative thoughts will bring in negative vibes. So avoid all negative thoughts, speech and actions.

12) Keep your house well lit and illuminated. Light removes negativity.

13) Keep faith in God and in yourself.
You are the Creator of your own destiny by the Choices you make.


Everyone must read....
All families should live happily....