Wednesday 13 June 2018

Do I deserve Lord Krishna?

Just few minutes ago I was going through Quora and I read a wonderful answer of a question "Do I deserve Lord Krishna?" And I'm more than happy to share the answer with you.
Q: Do I deserve Lord Krishna?
A: When Mahabharata was over, the only one who had witnessed the war was Warrior Barbarik. Mother of Kauravas Queen Gandhari approached the warrior & asked whether it’s not true that Kuru clan lost all its legendary warriors of epic proportion in the war, just because of Lord Krishna.
Warrior Barbarik gave a great reply. He in fact asked the queen, whom she was referring to? He asked in curious tone, Who Bhishma?? Who Karna? Who Abhimanyu?? Whom are you asking about?? I saw none of them at war!!!! I saw only one person on both sides of the war….Lord Krishna…
The one who was killed unethically by the Kauravas in the Chakravyuh…was Lord Krishna!!! the one’s who killed that young warrior were Lord Krishna.
The one who was continuing the was on ground as his chariot was stuck in the mud…was Lord Krishna…the one who killed that brave warrior was Lord Krishna.
Yes, You being part of the galaxy deserve lord Krishna. If that wouldn’t have been the case…You won’t have been here asking for the validation you already have. You already have elements of Lord Krishna in you. You are a part of Lord Krishna. You deserve Lord Krishna.
Just remember this simple thing.
stay Krishna
stay blessed

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